Friday, June 16, 2017

Shaun Week Day 5: Ripsanity

Day 5
43 minutes (it goes by so fast!)
Weights needed. 
I used 15 pounds most of time, occasionally 8! 

It's not everyday that you do a workout that brings you to tears!  I know that sounds silly and if I were on the outside I would probably be thinking, 

"Pull yourself together, good grief, that's ridiculous!"  

But thankfully I'm not on the outside.  I'm in the middle of it, it's a part of my life and my career revolves around it...the community of people coming together to push play on the same workout and encourage one another, the amazing trainers that push me out of my comfort zone and help me realize I am stronger than I ever knew before, the endorphins after, and the happiness it brings me when I'm done and I've accomplished it!  

Tears come.  

It's crazy and it's amazing!  This week has been so much more than I ever imagined!  

If you've been thinking about challenging yourself, trying to get over a plateau, or you just want to get STARTED...comment below or send me an email at
I know you won't be sorry!

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