More on my story...
When we first got married after college I became a teacher and did that for 2.5 years. Once we started having kids I decided to stay at home with my baby. I always knew I was going to do that so I was excited to have that roll in my life fulfilled! Once we had our 3rd child I started working out. I got a membership to the YMCA and tried multiple classes and working out on my own in the gym but nothing made me feel more amazing like the Bodypump class did! I loved the class and started going 2-3 times a week. As Kambry got older it became really hard to get up there. I was rushing out the door with 3 kids, grabbing snacks, drinks, diaper bag, etc. and they HATED going so 2 out of 3 kids would always be in tears or upset. Once we got there I would run to drop them off at the nursery, sign them in, and then run to my class only to show up late and stressed. Then they would have to call me in 1/2 way through the class to change a diaper or sooth a crying baby. My workout that had once been a nice get away for me to have some time to myself was becoming a stressful part of my day that the 4 of us dreaded! Plus the travel time and workout time combined was taking a good 2 hours out of our day and sometimes I just didn't have 2 hours to spare. I learned that you could order the Bodypump DVD's online and was so excited! That's exactly what I needed! I can do the exact class that I love in the comfort of my own home on my own time!! PERFECT!! I still didn't know about the coaching opportunity so I just ordered the system online and was thrilled to start working out from home. Like most people that try home workouts you do them for a couple weeks when you're excited and then you stop and time passes before you realize you should really do that workout you paid for, so you start again for a couple weeks and the cycle continues....
Then a friend from high school messaged me on Facebook and said she had started coaching and was putting together a Challenge Group of girls all doing workouts and holding each other accountable. I decided to join because I wasn't sticking to my workouts on my own and thought, what the heck! The group was more helpful than I ever thought it would be. I was sticking to my workouts, getting recipe ideas from this group of women who were going through the same struggles I was going through, we lifted each other up and motivated one another on days that we didn't feel like pushing play. It was so encouraging and 6 weeks later I had stayed on track with my workouts and was feeling great about it. The only thing I was missing was my nutrition! I have a big sweet tooth and sometimes I would just eat cookies for lunch! Not too nutritious! Before the group I was just so sluggish and tired ALL. THE. TIME. The workouts were helping so much but I knew if I wanted to really be healthy for my family and feel better on a daily basis, I needed to improve my health.
Sooooo I decided to order Shakeology and T25 Challenge Pack and become a coach. I LOVED that group so much that I knew with all my heart I wanted to coach and form these types of groups for other people so that I could help them too reach their goals and feel happier and healthier! I saw amazing results with T25 and Shakeology really helped curb my sweet tooth and because my body was getting fed the right nutrition it needed through all the super foods Shakeology provides, I was feeling energized and better than ever! My family and friends started noticing the new me and they tried it themselves and love it too. Beachbody has FOREVER changed my life and I am so grateful and so happy to share it with others! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions! Thanks so much for stopping by!

If you would like to become a coach or join one of my fitness accountability groups, please email me at or click on the Join My Team page to get more information and fill out an application! Thank you!!
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