I used to hate coffee...hated it!
But for some reason the actual process of drinking coffee and having something warm in your hand was so relaxing that I fell in love with the habit of coffee instead of the coffee itself. Does that make sense at all?!
So I started drinking coffee but only if it was FULL of creamer and sugar! I quickly realized I couldn't continue drinking it like that and wanted to wean myself off the sweetness and towards black! BLAH!! It was a process but you can absolutely teach yourself!
You just start using less and less of each and before I knew it I didn't need creamer, just sugar, then less sugar, then I switched to 2 packets of stevia, then 1 packet!
Now I always drink black coffee with stevia! Occasionally I doctor it up to a not so healthy version for fun but I honestly don't like the super sweet anymore!
Put a cup of hot coffee, 1 packet of Stevia, 1tsp. of MCT oil and Vanilla, 1/2 tsp. of cinnamon with it and BLEND so it's frothy! Enjoy!! So yummy, still healthy, and you get all the benefits of MCT Oil and Cinnamon! Winning!!!
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