Friday, September 21, 2018

Healthier Options to Order at Starbucks

I always brew my own coffee at home but when I DO go to Starbucks, I stare mindlessly at all the options and never know what to get!  I don't know about you but I’d rather get my fill of calories by treating myself to Mexican food and a margarita or some delicious desserts instead of drinking it in the form of a latte so some thought goes into what I order!!  Trying to pick something that's a healthier option is always tricky so instead of going in blind and feeling like the regulars in line behind me are breathing down my neck, I talked with a manager for some ideas and here is a list of 5 healthier options to keep you on track!  I decided to stick with hot options since fall is right around the corner and we'll do some cold options next spring!  

1. Brewed Tea or CoffeeObviously plain tea (0 calories) or coffee (5 calories) is going to be the best option because it doesn't have anything added.  You could put in some stevia to add some sweetness to it without adding any calories and call it good!  I could drink this at home easily though so I'd prefer a less boring option BUT wanted to share if you're in a rush and just need an easy option on the go!  

2. Caffe Americano: This option is my FAVORITE one!!!  Coming in at just 5 calories per shot of espresso this is your next best option!  So if you get a tall Americano that would be just 10 calories. If you're a boss and can drink it plain, good for you!  I need some sweetener so my go to order is a tall Americano with coconut milk and 2 stevia packets!  Delish!

3. Nonfat Cappuccino: 60 calories. Cappuccino is an espresso-based drink with 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, and 1/3 wet foamed milk.

4. Nonfat Caffe Latte: 60 calories.  Latte's are also made with espresso and hot steamed milk, but they're milkier than a cappuccino.

5. Skinny Vanilla Latte: 100 calories.  Other skinny drinks like the skinny cinnamon dolce are also better choices under 200 calories.

When ordering just keep in mind when you swap a nut milk instead of 2% milk you shave 90 calories off and stay away from syrups and whipped cream unless you're wanting to treat yourself!  As for sweetness, stevia and monk fruit are your best options as they don't add any calories but unlike splenda and sweet-n-low, they are all natural!

Oh, and in case you were unaware, friends, September 29th is National Coffee Day, so now we're armed with knowledge and can order with confidence without holding up the line!

What about you? What is your favorite thing to order??  Do you drink coffee as a necessity, an indulgence or just not at all?

If you visit Starbucks more often than I do you can also click below to download the app that lets you order on the way, pay with your phone, track Stars and Rewards, find stores, and even identify songs they play in the store if you want to add them to your spotify playlist!  CHEERS friends!!  Have an amazing weekend!!

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