Wednesday, March 8, 2017

First Week of PiYo

I really need the stretching and lengthening that yoga gives you (especially while I'm running or trying for a race!) BUT I don't like to hold positions for very long and got bored whenever I tried it!  I want to move and sweat what can I say?!  =)  When PiYo came along I was hesitant for that very reason but thought I would give it a try.  The first time I did one of the workouts, I wasn't fully convinced and didn't do it again for a while.  Lesson learned...always give every workout you try a fighting chance!!  =)  You know when you go on a road trip and it seems like it takes FOREVER to get there but then on the way home or the next time you drive that same route it seems so much shorter?!  Workouts are exactly like that!  When you don't know what to expect it can seem long, boring, or too hard to do!  But when you try it again and continue it, you start to get in the groove and truly enjoy it!  Things are easier once we know what to expect and just like a road trip, it gets familiar and not so bad after all!  =)

So last week was my first entire week of PiYo and I'm LOVING it!!  Into week 2 my inner thighs are sore, I feel like I have better posture and truly look forward to pushing play everyday instead of drinking some Energize and talking myself into it!  =)  

I am on an oatmeal kick so instead of Shakeology for breakfast I've been having oatmeal and then Shakeology with lunch or as an afternoon snack!  

Oatmeal, berries, almond milk, stevia, & cinnamon!!  (1Y, 1/2P)

Chocolate Banana Nutter is my go to recipe!! (1R, 1P, 1Tbsp)

I know that picture of dinner is not fancy AT ALL but it was so good and the kids gobbled it up too!! Cut up some jalapenos and a little bit of cheese and mix it in with your ground meat and form patties.  Grill or cook on the stove and serve with veggies.  They are so tasty and super easy!!    Y'all, cabbage is so cheap and really delicious...get you some!  I'm going to be cooking this more often!!  

I'm not the only one loving PiYo!  my mini-me likes to jump in from time to time!  Be the example, right!!! =)

I hope you enjoy this "Beast" series from one of my workouts!  Let me know if you give it a try and what you thought of it!  

Try to do each move for 1 minute each, rest for 15 seconds and repeat 2 more times!!  

If you're looking for a workout program to help you reach your health goals please email me and we'll get you set up for success!  I'd love to have you join my next accountability group!  


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