Tuesday, February 28, 2017

21 Day Fix Extreme

I think this might be one of my favorite programs!  You just can't beat getting such an amazing sweat in just 30 minutes!  The moves are different and changing everyday so you never get bored and after the 21 days I was left feeling stronger and tighter which left me super motivated to continue these results!    I don't own a scale so I can't tell you what the results are there but I go off of how I FEEL and how my clothes fit and I feel amazing and confidence inside and out!!!  I think my favorite workout was Plyo because it was challenging but I could tell such a difference in my leg strength each time I did it!  Progress is what keeps me going!  =)  I also was challenged by using the bands!  Although it was new to me, I got used to it and loved the extra resistance!

Let me know if you have any questions about my experience and I promise I'm going to be better about posting more often so I can share this amazing journey on a more regular basis to help inspire you to do the same!  I have never been happier than I am now simply by focusing on ME!  Taking time to grow in my faith, learn to balance my indulgences, and workout on a consistent schedule is so key!  When I'm feeling good, it makes me a better wife and mom which is priceless!  I'd love to help you do the same so shoot me a message or email if you're interested in learning how you can get started!  

Here's a video so you can preview some of my favorite moves from the program!  Results are guaranteed, who doesn't love that?!?! 


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© Kristin Kotzebue. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.