"Where has the time gone?"
"There just aren't enough hours in the day..."
I could go on and on with things people say about time and how there just isn't enough of it! It's true, the older we get and the more responsibilities we have (job, kids, bills, etc.) it gets harder and harder to find the time to fit in the things we want to do!
For me personally I have always been pretty fit. Just because I was pretty fit ( I say pretty fit because I was by no means FIT, just pretty fit/kinda fit/sorta in shape!), it did not mean I was healthy! I was active and thin but I didn't eat that well! OK I didn't eat well at all! I found out 10 years ago I was allergic to gluten so I do eat gluten free but I would have a bowl of Rice Chex for breakfast, dessert everyday, sometimes even a box of cookies for lunch, I ate cookie dough consistently, and I was hardly eating any fruits or vegetables! I always said I wish I made myself eat as good as I made my kids eat! This diet was taking it's toll on me! I was getting sick a lot and I felt so tired and sluggish on a daily basis!
I tried to get a membership to the gym and see how that would help me. I liked the workout class I was doing however my kids HATED going! They would cry every time which stressed me out, it took up so much time to drive there-workout for an hour at least-then drive back, if the kids were sick I couldn't go get my workout in, the class schedule didn't always work with my schedule so I would skip the workout that day...you see the gym just wasn't working for me on a daily basis!
I ended up quitting my membership and I ordered Beachbody's Bodypump. I LOVED it! I could do the workouts in the comfort of my own home and it made it so much easier to get them in! I then joined an Online Challenge Group which catapulted my workouts! It gave me the support and encouragement I needed to stay on track and not just have 1 good week of working out, but have consistent weeks/months of a workout routine that I stuck with! That's when I decided I wanted to also become a coach so that I could help people get their health back on track too! I signed up and started with T25 and Shakeology. I was drawn to T25 because although I LOVE my Bodypump DVD's, at this time in my life with 3 kids at home, 55 minutes can be a long workout to do consistently. T25 is only 25 minutes so I knew I could fit that in my schedule without ANY excuses and I do! I love the short time and even though it's short, I SWEAT! I could tell within the first week a change in my body. The Shakeology helped with my energy, curbed my sweet-tooth, and so much more. I am loving my new healthy lifestyle and I would love to help you get here too! THE TIME IS NOW! =)
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